Whoever finds himself in front of these images by Andrea Piunti cannot fail to feel subjected to the Rorschach test. We begin to observe alien faces, dystopian spaces, places and anti-places that bring us back to the symmetries of the Universe, as in all those places that we perhaps perceive from a mysterious invisible. Here, the artist through bringing us back to a new relationship with nature, gives it a role of primary importance for the evolution of mankind. Piunti shows us a road, through which we can once again take care of decoding the signs that surround us, signs that become primordial symbols and that do nothing else, more or less consciously, to tell us about our roots and even offer us an awareness of our vital space.
It may certainly seem a somewhat pretentious goal, but those who know this artist also know the profound lightness with which he faces life and his authentic approach with his language, sometimes ironic, sometimes technically virtuous, but always a sure and effective for the contents it wants to express. With Universal Armony, a title that brings us back to our relationship with the forces of the Universe, Piunti denounces our state of alienation in an increasingly advanced and very little evolved life, denounces our turning our gaze to nature and through the game of interpretation to which it subjects us, forces us to a real reflection, which takes place in close relationship with its images, and makes art an instrument of natural evolution, a real device through which to educate our senses to a more authentic with life and all the time and space in which it occurs.  

 "Domenico Ruggero"
